#8MarсhMonaco Campaign

by Anna Antipova Contributor
February 14, 2023
#8MarсhMonaco Campaign

This year, as part of the #8MarsMonaco campaign, the Committee for the Promotion and Protection of Women's Rights is highlighting the promotion of gender equality through sport.  In collaboration with the Department of Youth Education and Sports, 100 children from CE1 classes in Monaco schools participated in the creation of a collaborative work by the artist Mr One Teas on the topic: "Women and sport seen through the prism of the new generation."

"Education for equality must start at a young age," explains Céline Cottalorda, Interministerial Officer for Women's Rights, adding, "Involving children in the subject of sport, where many inequalities and stereotypes persist, allows them to convey messages and raise awareness.

HRH Prince Albert II and HRH Princess Charlene have also contributed to this work, the final result of which will be unveiled on March 8. The campaign #8MarsMonaco will also be visible on social networks and in the principality, especially near the Stade Louis II.


Anna Antipova


Anna is a lifestyle writer, covering arts and travel based in the south of France since 2017. She was a contributing writer  for  Forbes Monaco and a  former a Professor of Foreign language literature. 

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