The City

Cancellation and Postponement of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Cup

May 23, 2024
Cancellation and Postponement of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Cup

Due to adverse weather conditions experienced between February 1st and April 30th, 2024, the organizers of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Cup have made the difficult decision to cancel this year's event. The unstable weather, attributed to the impacts of global warming and Monaco's high urban density, has prevented the safe conduct of the competition.

The international ecological hot-air balloon competition, which promotes the use of clean energy and environmentally friendly technologies, has been rescheduled to the first quarter of 2025. This decision underscores the commitment of the event organizers to prioritize safety while continuing to advocate for environmental sustainability.

Alain Cruteanschii, President of the Aeronauts of Monaco team, expressed his gratitude to H.S.H. Prince Albert II and his Foundation for their unwavering support. He also thanked the partners and media who continuously support their mission of promoting green technologies.

"We look forward to new adventures in 2025," Cruteanschii said, emphasizing the anticipation for the next iteration of the competition which aims to spotlight innovative solutions to environmental challenges.

The Aeronauts of Monaco team remains dedicated to organizing an event that not only showcases the thrilling spectacle of hot-air ballooning but also highlights the crucial need for sustainable practices in our ever-changing world.

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