The People

From Saint Tropez to Dubai via Monaco!

April 05, 2023
From Saint Tropez to Dubai via Monaco!

Sebastian Celea and Thomas Kramer, lifelong friends and brilliant networkers, believe that business must be fun above all else.

After years of occasional meetings on trips to Monaco, St Tropez, or London, they are now sharing their growing business and secure and sunny lifestyle in Dubai. Celea, the president of the Romania Latvia Bilateral Chamber of Commerce, is the CEO of Capital Finance in London, a leader in the financial industry followed Thomas Kramer’s advice to expand his activities into Dubai and became a huge fan spending time there too!

Meanwhile, Thomas Kramer - better known as TK, was during the roaring 80th a sucessfull trader in Wallstreet, where he made his 1. fortune banking on falling prices during the market crash of 1987!

In the 90th, TK turned visionary developer, reshaping Miami Beach’s skyline with eight skyscrapers, including Portofino, Continuum I&II, Icon, Murano, Yacht Club, and Apogee. TK got credited with single handedly turning a slum into Americas’s Number ONE Tourist Destination!

TK also established the party mecca of Star Island, where he became known as the celebrity host of Miami Beach.After his daughter Joya moved in with him in 2010, TK adopted a healthy lifestyle, losing 26 kilos in nine month.

TK moved to Dubai in 2013, partnering with a leading business incorporation agency to offer highly customized services for residency permits, company incorporation, and bank accounts.

TK also entered the healthcare sector, using his new found fitness enthusiasm to motivate his fan base to do more for their own body and mind. Spending up to five hours daily in the fitness center, testing his limits and has turned his passion for fitness and a healthy lifestyle into a very lucrative business model, offering added value to his customers and partners through his vast network and life experience.

Despite his many accomplishments, Thomas Kramer remains humble and grounded. He credits his success to hard work, perseverance, and a positive attitude. He believes that anything is possible, if you have the right mindset and are willing to put in the effort. He also values the importance of giving back and is involved in several charitable causes, including the fight against cancer.

“There's never been a better time than now to pursue your dreams and make a positive impact on the world”, says TK.

In addition to his business ventures, TK is also an avid networker and enjoys connecting with people from all walks of life. He believes that building strong relationships is key to success, both in business and in life. TK often hosts networking events and is a sought-after speaker on topics related to entrepreneurship, real estate, and personal development.

TK has a knack for bringing together the right people and creating synergies that lead to successful ventures. His network spans across industries and continents, and he is always on the lookout for new opportunities and collaborations.

Despite his successes, TK remains humble and grounded, always eager to learn and grow. He believes that every experience, good or bad, is an opportunity to learn and improve. He also places a high value on giving back to the community and is actively involved in various philanthropic initiatives.

 Another successful venture of his, is the Thomas Kramer Academy. TK and his team strives to provide students with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed in the competitive world of real estate development and finance.

The academy offers online courses for students who are interested in pursuing a career in the competitive world of real estate development and finance. With TK and his team's aim to equip students with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed in the industry, the courses are designed to be flexible and accessible, allowing students to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule.

The academy's curriculum covers a broad range of topics, including real estate development, construction management, project financing, property management, and even blockchain technology. The courses are taught by experienced instructors who are experts in their respective fields and have a passion for teaching.

Regardless of your level of experience in the industry, Thomas Kramer Academy's courses are designed to cater to everyone's needs. With practical and applicable content, the courses offer real- world examples and case studies that will help students apply what they learn to their own projects and endeavors.

According to TK, education is the key to success in the real estate industry, and the academy is committed to providing its students with the best possible education and training. If you're looking to expand your knowledge or take the first step towards a successful career in real estate development and finance, consider joining Thomas Kramer Academy today.

In conclusion, Thomas Kramer is a true visionary and a force to be reckoned with in the world of business and real estate development.

TK’s unwavering optimism, vast experience, impressive track record speaks for itself, and his passion for creating a better world is truly inspiring.

Whether you are a seasoned investor or a young entrepreneur just starting out, there is much to learn from his example and his approach to life and business to inspire others to do the same.

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