Experiences & Events

Jamiroquai to Headline the 75th Monaco Red Cross Gala with Exclusive Concert

June 18, 2024
Jamiroquai to Headline the 75th Monaco Red Cross Gala with Exclusive Concert

On Friday, July 19, 2024, Jamiroquai, ambassadors for the 75th Monaco Red Cross Gala, will perform an exclusive live concert at the Salle des Etoiles.

Returning to its iconic venue, the Salle des Etoiles at the Sporting Monte-Carlo, the 75th edition of this spectacular charity event promises a memorable night. Jamiroquai, known for their debut album "Emergency on Planet Earth" (1993), seven UK Top 10 albums, a Grammy Award, and 26 million albums sold worldwide, will grace the Monaco Red Cross Gala stage for the first time, delivering an evening of pure funk.

In 2022, the Monaco Red Cross Gala introduced a new format. H.S.H. Prince Albert II hosted the event at the Place du Casino, with American singer Alicia Keys performing on a temporary stage set in the Principality's iconic square, entertaining 2,000 guests under the open sky.

Founded on March 3, 1948, by Prince Louis II, the Monaco Red Cross was recognized by the International Committee of the Red Cross and admitted to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies the same year. Its Presidents have included Prince Rainier III (1949-1958), Princess Grace (1958-1982), and H.S.H. Prince Albert II since December 17, 1982.

Since its inception, the Monaco Red Cross has hosted charity shows to fund its humanitarian efforts. The inaugural show in 1948 featured Maurice Chevalier, and subsequent events have showcased glamour and high-profile performances, including a Christian Dior fashion show in 1952 and Zizi Jeanmaire in 1953.

From 1957, the Gala evolved into the format known today, held at the Salle des Etoiles and featuring performances by renowned artists. Stars such as Joséphine Baker, Charles Aznavour, Frank Sinatra, The Beach Boys, Sir Elton John, Duran Duran, Sting, The Scorpions, Lionel Richie, and John Legend have graced the stage, creating unforgettable evenings.

The tombola, a highlight of the evening, offers prestigious prizes and significantly contributes to the funds raised. Each year, spectators and guests flock to this glamorous event to demonstrate their solidarity.

This exceptional evening allows the Red Cross to thank generous donors and highlight the impactful work made possible by the funds raised.

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