"Les Carabiniers du Prince", an exhibition to discover until February 16, 2023

December 19, 2022

The “Les Carabiniers du Prince” exhibition took place this weekend at the Monaco Monte- Carl. Twelve photographs dating from 1890 to 2022 are presented, in chronological order, until February 16, 2023.

Organized in partnership with SNCF Hubs & connections and Clear Channel, this exhibition allows travelers to discover or rediscover the Prince's Carabinieri Corps, its evolution, its composition and its missions since its creation.

The history of the Prince's Carabinieri Corps is closely linked to that of Monaco and the Princely family. This prestigious military unit, with 124 Carabinieri, provides daily the custody of the Prince's Palace, the security of the Sovereign Family, of its property and dependencies. The missions dedicated to honorary services are also an integral part of the pace of activities palatines. Its motto, "Honor, Loyalty and Dedication", gives meaning to the commitment to daily newspaper of the Carabinieri.

With more than 7 million users per year, the station is one of the main gateways to the Principality. Its exhibition walls are a means of making known and disseminating the Monegasque heritage to a wide audience. Now she lends this location so that the history of the Carabinieri du Prince is becoming known beyond their museum.

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