40 Over 40

LyNea "LB" Bell

by Dustin Plantholt Editor-in-Chief
February 04, 2024

LyNea "LB" Bell, warmly referred to as "The Agent" by those who know her best, embodies the essence of what it truly means to lead, innovate, and give back within the ever-evolving landscape of entrepreneurship. As the CEO and Founder of Bell Hall Talent, Inc., she has not just transformed the talent agent industry but has also boldly ventured into the realms of digital innovation, philanthropy, and global engagement, challenging and expanding the definition of entrepreneurship.

Through her efforts with GOTCONN, a private search engine that prioritizes user privacy, Bell has established herself as a thought leader in technology. This significant contribution has placed her among the ranks of influential African American women who are driving progress and innovation in the tech world. Starting her journey in Seattle, Washington, with an early graduation at just 16, Bell set the stage for a career that would encompass computer programming, business communications, and far beyond, marking her path with milestones of achievement and success.

Bell's commitment to creating positive societal change radiates through the initiatives of the GOT-CONNECTIONS Foundation. Her dedication to outreach and literacy underlines a profound belief in the capacity of entrepreneurs to drive meaningful community development. The expansion of the GOT CONNECTIONS brand into education, fashion, and entertainment through GOT ONE TV, as well as social connectivity under Bell's guidance, is a clear indication of her desire to empower and uplift.

The honor of being named 'Woman of the Year' at the 8th annual LOVE awards in Los Angeles, California, on February 3, 2024, is a professional salute to Bell's impactful contributions to her community and her relentless pursuit of effecting change in the business world through empathy and exceptional leadership.

With the introduction of The Hub, a comprehensive directory within GOT CONNECTIONS, Bell's innovative approach is once again evident, showcasing her commitment to nurturing connections that transcend geographical boundaries. This endeavor is a clear reflection of her vision for a world where collaborative efforts and shared values can pave the way for collective success and wellbeing, setting a remarkable example for leaders everywhere.

As a Monaco 40 over 40 laureate, LyNea "LB" Bell's legacy is a compelling demonstration of setting ambitious goals and achieving them, despite encountering roadblocks and storms along the way. Leaders like LB exemplify that there is always a path forward, illuminating the journey for others by recognizing and following the clues left by those who have navigated similar challenges before.


Dustin Plantholt


Dustin Plantholt, “The Count of Monte Crypto,” is Monaco Voice's Editor-in-Chief. He is highly regarded for his contributions and impact in the world of disruptive technologies and media. He is a journalist and documentary filmmaker. He has interviewed celebrities, won awards for NFT/Metaverse advisory, and is a highly sought-after panel moderator and global speaker. He has received from Forbes Monaco the prestigious  40 Under 40 award for his undisputed impact in innovating ideas and bringing people together, educating others about digital assets, and his commitment to excellence. 

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