The City

Managing Drought in Monaco: Urgent Measures Implemented as Water Supply Faces Challenges

May 15, 2023
Managing Drought in Monaco: Urgent Measures Implemented as Water Supply Faces Challenges

Despite recent rainfall, Monaco is not exempt from the ongoing drought. "The phenomenon affects the entire Western Mediterranean," emphasized Minister of State, Pierre Dartout, reminding that the Principality's water supply is closely tied to the situation in the Maralpine region, given that a significant portion of the water consumed comes from various sites in this department.

Consequences of this drought wave are being felt locally, with a significant reduction in local water captures, noted two months earlier than usual, according to Céline Caron-Dagioni, Government Advisor - Minister of Equipment, Environment, and Urban Planning. As the Grand Prix and summer season approach, urgent measures are being taken to better manage resources. "We need to take measures in advance, without waiting for the situation to worsen too much," she continued.

A sovereign ordinance and several decrees published on Saturday in the Journal of Monaco established new regulations. In line with the measures taken in the neighboring department, it adopts the principle of four alert levels: vigilance, alert, reinforced alert, and crisis.

For the time being, the Monegasque territory has been placed on "drought alert". Watering, pool filling, washing of pools or boats, and several water uses are regulated. The goal is to reduce the Principality's overall consumption by 20% to extend the use of reserves and thus avoid having to resort to the enhanced alert level. "We will remain extremely vigilant," assured the Minister of State.

For now, the ministerial order relating to the "alert" drought level sets the validity of the measures in force until October 31, 2023. These measures may be strengthened or eased by the Minister of State depending on the situation.


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