The City

Monaco Economic Board Unveils Its Busy Fall Schedule

July 08, 2024
Monaco Economic Board Unveils Its Busy Fall Schedule

The latest meeting of Monaco Economic Board (MEB) members took place on July 2 at the Muse Monte-Carlo restaurant in the Méridien Beach Plaza. About 300 key decision-makers and prominent figures from the Principality gathered for the 49th Member Rendezvous of the MEB. This event was an opportunity to network and for Guillaume Rose, Executive Director General, to present the packed agenda of upcoming events. And the list is extensive!

Following an exclusive evening for Premium members on July 11, the next MEB event will occur on September 13, featuring a keynote by the esteemed French engineer Jean-Pierre Petit, in partnership with Jutheau Husson. This will be followed by the 50th Member Rendezvous, including B2B meetings on September 18.

Later, on September 19, MEB members will participate in the Monaco Business Expo, which includes a Club Eco Monaco conference and the signing of a new protocol with the important PACA Chamber of Commerce (CCI PACA). To cap off September, there will be an economic mission to Warsaw from September 30 to October 2.

The year's end will see the MEB participating in the Africa Day forum organized by CEMA on October 11, and supporting a delegation led by the Monaco Embassy in China at the China International Import Expo in Shanghai from November 4 to 8.

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