The City

Monaco Enhances Cycling Infrastructure: New Bike Lane Connects Condamine to Larvotto

November 21, 2023
Monaco Enhances Cycling Infrastructure: New Bike Lane Connects Condamine to Larvotto

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In a significant move to promote alternative modes of transportation, the Government of Monaco has announced the opening of a new bike lane in the Louis II Tunnel. Starting from November 16, 2023, this development marks a major step in enhancing the safety and convenience of cyclists in the city.

The Louis II Tunnel, which was recently reopened to pedestrian traffic following the completion of works on the Spélugues pillars, will now also safely accommodate cyclists. This new cycling lane, stretching in the direction of Menton, provides a direct link between the Condamine and Larvotto districts, further integrating the city's diverse transport network.

However, in the opposite direction, cyclists and users of Personal Mobility Devices will continue to share the regular lane with motorists. The tunnel's width constraints have made it infeasible to add a second bike lane in this direction, necessitating this shared use.

This new 430-meter cycling path is part of Monaco's broader initiative to expand its cycling infrastructure. With this addition, the Principality now boasts nearly 6 kilometers of dedicated bike lanes, significantly enhancing the cycling experience in the city.

As a reminder, the government emphasizes the importance of safety measures for cyclists and electric scooter users. Helmets are mandatory for all cyclists under the age of 18 and strongly recommended for older riders. Similarly, electric scooter users under 18 are required to wear helmets, and all users must don reflective clothing or equipment, ensuring visibility and safety on Monaco's roads.

This initiative reflects Monaco's commitment to sustainable urban mobility and its efforts to create a more cyclist-friendly environment, encouraging residents and visitors alike to embrace greener, healthier modes of transportation.

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