The People

Monaco Entertainment Company Brings Famous Astronaut To Cannes Film Festival

January 31, 2023
Monaco Entertainment Company Brings Famous Astronaut To Cannes Film Festival

With its strong commitment to linking pop culture with art, science and education, Monaco-based Shibuya Productions invited “a real-life superhero” to the red carpet in Cannes for the preview of Top Gun: Maverick on Wednesday.

Organized with the European Space Agency (ESA), French astronaut Thomas Pesquet joined Shibuya cofounder Cédric Biscay at the 75th Cannes Film Festival. Along with Tom Cruise, costar Jennifer Connolly and other A-Listers and invited guests, the pair climbed the famous stairs of the Palais des Festivals to watch the highly-anticipated out-of-competition film.

Pesquet, who has spent more time in space (400 days) than any other European astronaut, told France Bleu Azur radio Thursday morning, “Indeed, I am cooperating with projects between ESA and this Monegasque company...But I can't say more about it, yet…” 

The 44-year-old aerospace engineer took advantage of his time in Cannes by talking to students at a local high school about his experiences in space and education.

Biscay cofounded Shibuya Productions in 2014 with Kosta Yanev. In February 2020, the entertainment company brought out Blitz, the first manga ever created in Monaco, in collaboration with chess legend Garry Kasparov.

“France has the second largest market for manga, representing €150 million in turnover compared to€1.2 billion in Japan,” Biscay revealed  at the time, adding that they had signed an agreement with SBM to feature the Monte Carlo Casino in Blitz.

With the release of the video game Shenmue 3 in November 2019, the Monegasque company set three Guinness World Records—Fastest Video Game To Raise $1 Million —and
$2 Million—In Pledges Via A Crowdfunding Platform, and Most Funded Video Game Via A Crowdfunding Platform, raising $6,333,295.

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