The City

Monaco Fortifies Digital Security with Luxembourg Data Center Partnership

April 28, 2023
Monaco Fortifies Digital Security with Luxembourg Data Center Partnership

To enhance its digital security, Monaco has entered a partnership with Luxembourg, duplicating its sovereign cloud over 1,000 km away. The agreement, signed on July 15, 2021, addresses Monaco's geographical limitations and inability to meet the recommended 150 km distance between primary and backup data centers.

Luxembourg's reputation for robust digital security infrastructure made it an ideal choice for hosting Monaco's sensitive data. The dedicated facility in a Luxembourg data center will guarantee inviolability and immunity similar to those granted to an embassy.

In addition to the partnership, Monaco's Conseil National passed a law ensuring legal protection for the Luxembourg-based data center. This measure empowers Monegasque authorities to prosecute and penalize offenders who attack the data center, regardless of their location.

The collaboration with Luxembourg is a strategic move for Monaco to ensure digital sovereignty and resilience amidst global cyber threats.


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