Monaco Government Announces the Measures to Control Energy Consumption

November 17, 2022
Monaco Government Announces the Measures to Control Energy Consumption

 Monaco Government announces the tariff shield and the measures taken to control energy consumption.

This Wednesday, November 16, the Minister of State, Pierre Dartout and Celine Caron-Dagioni, Government Advisor-Minister of Equipment, Environment and Urban Development, presented the measures put in place by the State to control energy consumption in the Principality and reduce the financial impact of the increase in energy tariffs; they concern both individuals and businesses.

"These measures have been designed so that the state can protect both residents and businesses by reducing the impact of the energy bill, but also the public finances that need to be preserved," declared in the preamble the Minister of State.

Thus, the Government recommends:

1- Do not heat, air-conditioning or cool open spaces (terraces, refrigerated sales areas, shops...);

2- Set the setpoint temperatures as accurately as possible according to the contexts and at 19 ° C (+ 3 maximum);

3- Dye lighting, modulate air conditioning and heating in unoccupied spaces (at night and on weekends in shops and offices, in dwellings in case of prolonged absence);

4- Renounce supplementary radiators in offices and dwellings benefiting from a collective heating system; isolated elderly persons not covered by this recommendation.

5- Turn off standby appliances (representing 10% of household electricity consumption) using switches-operated sockets or multi-priced switches or smart electrical switches;

6- Encourage gentle mobility: practise walking, cycling and use public transport as much as possible;

7- Buy energy-efficient equipment for the most energy-efficient uses: LED (consumption divided by 8 compared to filament lamps), refrigeration equipment for sale closed by doors (-25% consumption compared to those open), NF certified inertia radiators (consumption reduced to a minimum of 20% compared to convection radiators), double glazing windows (-15% heating consumption)

Céline Caron-Dagioni concluded: "In terms of energy saving, the Princier Government is not there to compel, but to point out the necessity. We will see how things evolve, but a priori, we rely on the common sense of all, the responsibility of each and the exemplarity of the state. "

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