The City

Monaco-Registered Driver Caught Speeding at Nearly 200 km/h in Dordogne

August 06, 2024
Monaco-Registered Driver Caught Speeding at Nearly 200 km/h in Dordogne

Gendarmerie 24

In a dramatic turn of events on Sunday, August 4, a driver from Monaco was apprehended for excessive speeding in Dordogne. The incident occurred at a toll booth where local law enforcement intercepted the driver after he was caught traveling at an alarming speed of nearly 200 km/h.

The vehicle, a Cupra registered in Monaco, was halted and subsequently impounded. The motorist's license was also confiscated on the spot.

The transgression took place amidst the bustling holiday traffic on the A89 motorway, as vacationers exchanged places between July and August breaks. According to reports from France Bleu Périgord, the motorized platoon of Saint-Astier stopped the speeding vehicle at the Mussidan toll station.

Just moments before, the driver had been clocked at 199 km/h, significantly exceeding the 110 km/h speed limit. The violation was detected by the gendarmerie's speed guns, leading to immediate punitive measures.

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