Monaco Unveils Innovative Energy-Efficient Building Challenge

by Natalia Bezruk Senior Contributor
August 01, 2024
Monaco Unveils Innovative Energy-Efficient Building Challenge

In an effort to bolster sustainability, Monaco’s Department of Equipment, Environment, and Urban Planning, in collaboration with the Paris-based sustainability firm A4MT, has introduced an exciting new competition: MonaCube.

MonaCube, the Efficient Building Use Competition, is an initiative aimed at encouraging both public and private sector companies within the Principality to accelerate the adoption of energy-saving technologies and practices. The contest is designed to inspire businesses to rethink their energy consumption strategies, promoting more efficient and sustainable use of resources.

The concept of 'Cube'—derived from the French acronym Concours Usage Bâtiment Efficace—has a successful history in France, where it has been driving energy efficiency improvements for over a decade. This competition aims to familiarize participants with optimal energy usage in their daily operations, encouraging practical and impactful changes.

Throughout the year-long competition, companies will be motivated to implement a variety of energy-saving measures. These could include optimizing air conditioning systems, upgrading to more efficient heating and ventilation setups, and installing energy-saving lighting. The challenge also encourages management to engage with their employees, fostering a culture of sustainability within the workplace.


Natalia Bezruk

Senior Contributor

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