Monaco's economy is booming, darlings, with a fabulous 25% employment surge from 2013 to 2022, making way for 14,000 stylish jobs across all the sectors. The private sector, which is just so exclusive with over 90% of salaried employment, has seen a dazzling 22.3% increase, bringing in an additional 12,000 jobs. Monaco's annual average growth rate? A chic 2.3%.
Now, let's talk about the real star of the show: the construction sector. With a jaw-dropping 42.7% increase and 1,836 more employees since 2013, it's definitely the hottest growth of the decade. Scientific and technical activities, and administrative services have also experienced fabulous growth, adding 3,396 employees – that's a stunning 33.9% increase. And the information and communication sector? An impressive 28% growth.
By the end of 2022, Monaco boasted 71,314 fabulous jobs, including over 65,000 salaried positions in the private sector and nearly 6,200 self-employed go-getters. The number of nationalities lighting up the private sector has risen from 128 in 2013 to 140 in 2022, with our stylish French, Italian, and Portuguese friends making up 85% of the workforce.
Though the overall number of private-sector employees has skyrocketed, the proportion of female workers in temporary employment has dipped from 21.3% in 2013 to 15.5% in 2022. The number of private-sector employees living in Monaco has also decreased, with 89% of workers now commuting from beyond the principality's borders in 2022.
The domestic staff sector has seen a stunning 23% increase since 2013, with 2,359 fashionable individuals employed in this sector by the end of 2022. Representing 4.3% of the private-sector workforce, this category has grown even faster than the overall private-sector employment. The majority of domestic workers are women, making up 78% of the workforce in 2022, and 23.8% of these fabulous workers are of Portuguese nationality.
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