The City

Monaco's Urban Upgrade: Infrastructure Improvements on Boulevard du Jardin Exotique and Malbousquet Street

July 30, 2023
Monaco's Urban Upgrade: Infrastructure Improvements on Boulevard du Jardin Exotique and Malbousquet Street

The Urban Planning Directorate in Monaco is taking significant steps to improve the local infrastructure and quality of life for the city's residents. Amid the works related to private water connections on Boulevard du Jardin Exotique, the Directorate has embarked on an ambitious project to renew the public lighting networks and lampposts on Malbousquet stairs. The project also involves creating a separate public sanitation network.

In addition to these developments, the SMEG, or Société Monégasque de l'Electricité et du Gaz, has initiated connection work for a future electrical substation on Malbousquet Street. The move represents a continued commitment to the city's power infrastructure, aiming to ensure reliable service for the area's residents and businesses.

At present, the Malbousquet stairs are under refurbishment, with the old floor covering already being replaced. This project is set to be completed by the end of October, ensuring a safer and more appealing route for locals and tourists alike. It's noteworthy that during this refurbishment phase, access will not be interrupted except for temporary technical reasons. If necessary, specific signage will be put up to inform the public about any changes, and pedestrians will be redirected to Malbousquet Street.

Meanwhile, Boulevard du Jardin Exotique will undergo construction work from July 31 to August 18. The work schedule has been set to minimise disruption - occurring on weekdays between 9 am and 4 pm. The use of manual piloting for traffic alternation will ensure smooth traffic flow during these hours. Importantly, normal two-way traffic conditions will be reinstated outside of the designated work hours.

Simultaneously, another major change will take place on Malbousquet Street. From July 31 to September 1, the street will be closed to traffic. However, exceptions will be made for local residents, minimising the impact on the local community.

Overall, these projects symbolise the city's commitment to enhancing the urban environment and services. The careful scheduling and management of the works highlight the city's effort to ensure minimal disruption to residents and businesses during this period.

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