The City

Official Launch of 'The Monegasque' Magazine Celebrates Monaco's Storied Glamour

April 26, 2024
Official Launch of 'The Monegasque' Magazine Celebrates Monaco's Storied Glamour

On April 17, the prestigious Yacht Club of Monaco played host to the grand launch of 'The Monegasque', a magazine that aims to reflect the essence and opulence of Monaco. The event was nothing short of spectacular, attended by a glittering array of guests including royalty, billionaires, renowned athletes, and celebrated personalities from Monaco and around the world.

The gala commenced with an elegant cocktail reception, setting a tone of luxury and connectivity. Guests mingled amidst the backdrop of serene sea views, engaging in lively conversations that epitomized the spirit of Monaco's social elite.

The highlight of the evening was the entertainment, which featured breathtaking performances that captured the cultural richness of Monaco. Ukrainian singer Victory and Russian vocalist Olla enchanted the audience with their melodious voices, bringing an international flair to the night's proceedings. The event also paid tribute to the magazine's founder, with a poignant rendition of Frank Sinatra’s “My Way” by the Master of Ceremonies, adding a personal touch to the celebrations.

Further adding to the gala's allure were the Peekaboos, a dance troupe that performed a series of classic dances including the Charleston. Their dynamic routines brought to life the golden age of Monte Carlo, resonating with the theme of reviving the historical glamour for which the city is renowned.

The launch of 'The Monegasque' was a fitting homage to the grandeur of Monaco. It was an evening that mirrored the magazine's mission to showcase the luxurious lifestyle, cultural vibrancy, and the illustrious history of this unique principality, home to the Grimaldi dynasty for over seven centuries. The magazine promises to offer its readers an exclusive glimpse into the lives of some of Monaco’s most privileged citizens, celebrating the exceptional people and places that define Monaco's modern society.

As 'The Monegasque' begins its journey, it stands as a beacon of the high life and timeless elegance, embodying the very essence of the Monaco spirit. The event, much like the magazine, was a testament to the enduring allure and prestige of Monaco, inviting its audience to partake in the exclusivity and splendor that the principality has to offer.

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