The Culture

Olga Volga: The Artist Who Paints the World Through Energy and Colour

by Natalia Bezruk Senior Contributor
September 06, 2024
Olga Volga: The Artist Who Paints the World Through Energy and Colour

The French Riviera has long inspired artists such as Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, and Claude Monet, who found its beauty the perfect backdrop for their creative genius. Monaco Voice is proud to introduce the emerging talent of Olga Volga, an artist based in Monaco whose bold and colourful creations are rapidly gaining attention in the art world. Known for her intuitive use of colour and her deep connection to nature and travel, Volga’s work is a reflection of her personal journey and the energy she draws from the world around her.

From Family Roots to a Creative Career

Growing up in a creative household, with a grandfather who was a painter, Olga was surrounded by art from a young age. This environment nurtured her natural curiosity and love for colour. Watching her grandfather work, she became fascinated with the endless possibilities of colour, sparking her lifelong artistic passion. Although she later pursued formal art education, Olga always trusted her instincts over conventional techniques. Her approach to painting is uniquely personal, rooted in her belief that colour is a manifestation of energy, an unseen force that guides her work.

A Global Source of Inspiration

Travel has been a significant influence on Volga’s art. Her early years in Kamchatka, where she lived on the slopes of an extinct volcano, gave her a profound respect for the power of nature, a theme that continues to resonate in her work today. As she ventured across Europe, Latin America, and North Africa, Olga found new sources of inspiration in the diverse cultures and landscapes she encountered. Her time in Chile deepened her understanding of life’s spiritual dimensions, while Morocco left an indelible impression with its vibrant colours and rich cultural history. These experiences are woven into her art, with each painting reflecting a journey of discovery and emotion.

An Intuitive Approach to Art

Olga’s artistic process is entirely intuitive. She describes it as a flow of energy, where colour leads her hand, and each brushstroke reflects a moment in time. Whether she’s using a brush, her fingers, or a palette knife, the act of painting is, for her, a spontaneous expression of the energy she feels in the moment. Music is an essential part of her process, guiding her through the rhythm of creation.

A Bright Future in Monaco

Now based in Monaco, Olga is fully immersed in her artistic career. The principality, with its unique blend of cultures and energetic atmosphere, provides the perfect backdrop for her creative endeavours. She continues to exhibit her work and connect with art lovers who appreciate her bold use of colour and emotional depth. Olga Volga’s journey as an artist is one of continuous exploration—of herself, the world, and the vibrant energy that colours her every creation. Her future is as bright and promising as the canvases she brings to life.

Instagram: @Art_olga_monaco



Natalia Bezruk

Senior Contributor

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