The City

Peninsula's Strategic Move in Monaco's Maritime Sector

December 07, 2023
Peninsula's Strategic Move in Monaco's Maritime Sector

@fraseryachts Instagram screenshot

Peninsula, a global marine fuel supplier, is bolstering its operations in Monaco's dynamic maritime sector by seeking a new bunker trader for yachts. This position reflects the strategic importance of Monaco in the yachting industry and highlights Peninsula's ambition to further integrate itself into this vibrant market. The ideal candidate for this role is expected to possess not only high commercial acumen but also fluency in English and other languages, catering to the diverse international community in Monaco.

The responsibilities of this role are multifaceted, encompassing proactive marketing, relationship building with customers and suppliers, and collaboration with Peninsula's global Yachts team. The trader will play a critical role in understanding and interpreting market conditions, providing product and price information, negotiating deals, and managing customer relations throughout the sales process. This involves keeping abreast of market fundamentals and local cargo index movements to identify opportunities and establish a competitive advantage in the region.

The role also includes strategizing for short and long-term trading, participating in marketing activities, and proactively controlling risks. This includes ensuring that all customers and suppliers are vetted and approved, minimizing the cost of claims, and carefully considering counterparty financial strength in collaboration with the Credit Team.

This recruitment drive by Peninsula is a clear indication of Monaco's growing stature as a central hub in the global yachting world. It underscores the increasing demand for specialized skills and expertise to navigate the complex maritime industry. Peninsula's expansion in Monaco not only reflects the company's commitment to delivering top-tier service but also highlights the strategic importance of the region in the yachting world, demanding a blend of local knowledge and global market understanding.

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