The Culture

Prince Albert II and the Princely Twins Attend "Batafoegu" Celebrations at Palace Square in Monaco

June 24, 2024
Prince Albert II and the Princely Twins Attend

On Sunday evening, Prince Albert II and the princely twins joined the traditional "batafoegu" festivities, celebrating the festival of fire and light at nightfall. Despite a few raindrops in the late afternoon, the traditional St. John's bonfire was successfully ignited. Following a religious service at the Palatine Chapel, the flames of the "batafoegu" lit up the Palace Square, symbolizing the summer solstice and, for Christians, the triumph of Christ-light over darkness.

Around the bonfire, the Palladienne de Monaco performed traditional dances accompanied by music, delighting both locals and tourists who had gathered for the event. From the Palace balcony, Prince Albert, Hereditary Prince Jacques, and Princess Gabriella enjoyed the spectacle and greeted the crowd gathered below.

The celebrations, organized by the Monaco City Hall and the Saint-Jean Club, continue today at Place des Moulins. The event kicks off at 7:30 PM with a parade featuring several municipal councilors, City Hall flag bearers, representatives of the Traditions Committees, dancers from La Palladienne, and this year's guest, the folk dance troupe Hoa Nui. As is tradition, young Saint John and his lamb will lead the procession.

Following the parade, a religious celebration will be held at 8:00 PM at Saint-Charles Church, with songs by the U Cantin d’A Roca choir. At 8:35 PM, the event will feature a blessing and the lighting of the fire, accompanied by the Monegasque national anthem performed by the municipal band and U Cantin d’A Roca singers.

Please note that due to these events, traffic on Boulevard des Moulins and Avenue Saint-Laurent will be closed during today's processions. Access to Place des Moulins will be regulated starting at 6:30 PM, and parking in the square will be prohibited from 1:00 PM.

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