The Culture

Princess Stéphanie Presents Corps Insignia to Carabinieri Students

June 24, 2024
Princess Stéphanie Presents Corps Insignia to Carabinieri Students

HSH Princess Stéphanie, the ‘Godmother of the Prince’s Carabiniers’, presented the Corps insignia to four Carabinieri students of the ‘Louis Nattareu’ Promotion during a military ceremony on Thursday, June 20, at the Moneghetti Barracks' helicopter landing area.

The ceremony began with a welcome from Lieutenant-Colonel Martial Pied and a review of the troops. The company pennant was then presented to the new recruits. Princess Stéphanie subsequently presented the Corps insignia, which had been blessed by Father Christian Venard, Chaplain of the Principality’s Police Force. The event concluded with the Monegasque Anthem, performed by the Prince’s Carabinieri Orchestra and all the soldiers.

The new recruits will officially take office on Monday, July 1. On July 8, 2024, they will take an oath to HSH Prince Albert and his family, committing to serve them with "Honour, Loyalty, and Dedication," as per the Corps' motto.

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