The City

Restructuring of Fontvieille Shopping Center in Monaco: Three Project Proposals, No Decision Yet by the Princely Executive

June 21, 2024
Restructuring of Fontvieille Shopping Center in Monaco: Three Project Proposals, No Decision Yet by the Princely Executive


After reviewing three variations of the restructuring project for the Fontvieille Shopping Center in Monaco, the members of the National Council urged the princely executive to expedite the decision-making process during a public session on Thursday evening. However, several issues are causing delays.

The public session in the National Council's chamber was historic for several reasons. Firstly, it was the first time a preliminary budget had been debated in the spring rather than the autumn. Secondly, it marked the last participation of State Minister Pierre Dartout before his departure at the end of the summer. Finally, the session highlighted the strained institutional relationship following the recent ousting of Brigitte Boccone-Pagès and the election of Thomas Brezzo as the new head of the National Council.

The council members expressed their dissatisfaction with the government, citing unfulfilled promises, broken public commitments, and lost trust, threatening not to approve the budget.

State Minister Dartout acknowledged some shortcomings in the government's responses but rejected claims of disrespect or dishonesty. "I accept that our answers may sometimes be insufficient, but I do not accept the accusation that we disrespect you, tell stories, or hide behind someone else. This goes against my ethics and values," he stated.

Among the three main themes justifying the preliminary budget, the triennial public equipment program received rare praise for its clarity and budgetary transparency.

The topics of state housing and the restructuring of the Fontvieille Shopping Center sparked frustration among the council members. Since the executive announced in October 2023 a scaled-back version of the project with a reduced budget, the council had demanded a new version by spring 2024 and the start of construction before year-end.


On June 13, during a plenary commission meeting at the State Ministry, the national councilors reviewed three new proposals from the operator Socri Reim: two restructuring projects and one renovation project, each costing around €400 million.

The council members favored the two restructuring projects, which seemed to meet their expectations without causing significant traffic issues in the neighborhood. However, no decision has been made by the Monegasque State.

Pierre Dartout highlighted the challenges in assessing the reliability of certain parameters such as cost, timeline, and profitability. "Architectural details are also incomplete, and these are crucial for decision-making," he noted.

Debates focused heavily on profitability, with council members criticizing the executive for dismissing one proposal they believed could generate the most revenue. Government Counselor-Minister of Finance and Economy Pierre-André Chiappori emphasized a broader perspective, prioritizing the overall economic impact on Monaco rather than just the shopping center's revenue. He also pointed out unrealistic assumptions in some proposals.

Chiappori, appointed in March 2024, also mentioned the "trench warfare" between the promoter and the Italian architect, raising concerns about the project's viability.

Councilor and rapporteur Franck Julien lamented the lack of a clear vision on costs and return on investment. "We do know one figure: €38 million spent on studies over six years, only to find out the initial project would paralyze Fontvieille for 18 months. It's disheartening," he said.

Jean-Louis Grinda added, "There is a political and human obligation for quick results." The urgency is driven by the deteriorating state of the current shopping center, considered unworthy of Monaco, and the ongoing inconvenience for the merchants and residents of the Fontvieille Terraces. These residents have been relocated to recently completed housing projects and are receiving "exceptional measures," according to the State Minister. Chiappori committed to holding a presentation meeting for the revised project as soon as possible.

"We want an ambitious and profitable project. This situation is disastrous. You say this project is of paramount importance. We are asking you to act as quickly as possible," concluded Thomas Brezzo.

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