The City

The Builder Prince: An Ambition for Monaco

July 24, 2023
The Builder Prince: An Ambition for Monaco


In celebration of the centenary of Prince Rainier III's birth, the Department of Cultural Affairs is proud to present an exhibition devoted to the legacy of the Prince Builder. A figurehead who propelled post-war Monaco into an era of economic prosperity, urban development, and territorial expansion, Prince Rainier III's vision continues to resonate today.

Under the expert curatorship of journalist, writer, TV host, radio presenter, producer, and actor Stéphane Bern, alongside Christian Curau, the architect-curator of the Princely Palace of Monaco, the exhibition brings to life the audacious and transformative leadership of Prince Rainier III.

With a blend of historical continuity and groundbreaking innovation, Prince Rainier III implemented new infrastructures, political, legal, and constitutional tools, allowing the modern state of Monaco to flourish. His urbanistic approach was decidedly revolutionary, fueled by a singular ambition: to guarantee the prosperity and wellbeing of the Monegasques, to whom he was united by both a bond of affection and a constitutional oath.

This exhibition offers a glimpse into the extraordinary legacy of Prince Rainier III, revealing his unwavering commitment to Monaco's growth and prosperity. It is an opportunity to explore the impacts of his rule, which continue to shape Monaco's unique identity.

Curators: Stéphane Bern and Christian Curau
Scenography: Coraline Delorme and Thomas Guillaume

The exhibition is open from Tuesday to Sunday, 1 pm to 7 pm. It remains closed on Mondays and on November 19th and December 25th, 2023.

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