The City

The Vintage Rally of Child CARE Monaco: A Celebration of Cars, Fashion, and Philanthropy

September 11, 2023
The Vintage Rally of Child CARE Monaco: A Celebration of Cars, Fashion, and Philanthropy

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On Sunday, September 10, the 10th Vintage Rally of Child CARE Monaco marked the opening of the social season with a grand celebration themed around the Roaring Twenties. Held at Casino Square, the event was a visual spectacle and a philanthropic triumph, featuring 99 participants and 39 vintage cars. Some of these classic vehicles were from prestigious collections, while others, such as a 1929 Mercedes Benz and a 1936 Jaguar, were privately owned.

The day was meticulously planned, although the program was kept a secret until the event itself. Participants drove their vintage cars around the Riviera, making a stop at a gastronomic lunch at a Provencal farmhouse once frequented by notable political figures. The day also included Speakeasy-style entertainment, a tombola, a quiz, and afternoon tea at a restaurant in Eze Village. The grand finale was an awards ceremony at a restaurant in Monaco Ville, attended by royalty.

While the event was a celebration of vintage cars and fashion, its ultimate goal was philanthropic. The first school in India was founded in 2013 in Rajasthan with 60 girls. Thanks to a sponsorship program, these girls receive clothes, medical care, and two meals a day, as well as Hindi and English classes. Nearly all the money raised goes directly to the children. Since its inception, Child CARE Monaco has expanded its reach, building another school in Calcutta in 2020 and planning a new one for orphans in South Africa.

The event encapsulated the spirit of both celebration and charity. Participants not only enjoyed the thrill of driving vintage cars and dressing up for the occasion but also contributed to a noble cause. The rally serves as a reminder that fun and philanthropy can go hand in hand, making a meaningful impact on the lives of the less privileged around the world.

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