2025 Monaco Billionaires NET WORTH
as of 3/4/19
$1.2 B
In 2010 David Yakobashvili together with his long-time partner Gavril Yushvaev and other shareholders sold the biggest Russian food producer Wimm-Bill-Dann (WBD) to US PepsiCo. For his 10.5% stake in the company Yakobashvili got more than $600m. He invested the money among other projects into Petrocas Energy Group: 135 gas stations chain in Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan and two oil terminals in Georgia ? in Poti and Batumi. In the end of 1980s became partner of Yushvaev. They own together popular casinos and dance clubs in Moscow. Yakobashvili married Yushvaev's niece. Yakobashvili has a collection of self-playing music instruments - pianos, grand pianos, street-organs, etc.