#22 Felipe Massa

Felipe Massa
2025 ЧИСТЫЙ СТОИМОСТЬ миллиардеров Монако
начиная с 3/4/19
$5.0 B

Felipe, like some of his Formula 1 mates, chose Monaco as his second home. He spent many years in Formula 1, having competed in 2002 and from 2004 to 2017, becoming the vice-champion (2008).

During his F1 career he was driver for Sauber, Williams and Ferrari. Today he lives in Monaco and is a Formula E racer. In April 2018 it was announced that Massa would be taking part in Formula E racing for Venturi Grand Prix for 3 years starting with the 2018–19 Formula E season.

Interesting fact: on the occasion of his debut in Formula E, Massa surprised his fans by competing with the member of the animal kingdom— the peregrine falcon. Even given that the adult bird can reach a speed of 320 km/h, the driver managed to overtake it and won the race.