Дарья Романенко рассказывает об управлении фэшн издании в Монако.«Это была любовь с первого взгляда». «Монако похоже на сказку с ее красивыми пейзажами, счастливыми людьми, солнцем и морем», — говорит…
Seventy is the new 60. Wait, 60 is the new 40. But now 40 is the new 30. And then with the FaceTune app you can erase ten years. So is 70 the new 20? Forget the old chestnut: “It’s what’s inside that…
It has been 18 years since Prince Albert succeeded to the throne. In an exclusive interview, Monaco Voice's CEO discusses the state of business and "The direction I want my country to go." Just…
The Real Meal
Forget starry eyed. The world’s first 100% organic Michelin chef sets his sights on honest gastronomy. A few dinner forks were dropped in Monaco mid-July when Paolo Sari, the first chef…
When it comes to service and UHNWIs, the expectation is high. This is why for Monaco residents the emblematic Four Seasons George V in Paris is the go-to getaway that provides all the luxuries of home.Steps…
Tables at the Casino are for more than just gaming.Access to Le Salon Rose feels a little like being a protagonist in a movie who struts through a storefront to get to an eatery hidden…
This time last year, I was double fisting dessert at La Vigie. In one hand, a mini-cone of homemade chocolate ice cream dripping down my fingers; in the other, wedges of the freshest fruit I have…
Michelin-star chef Antonio Salvatore has created a rather tricky situation for food-lovers in Monaco: what to order? A conundrum particularly over the lunch hour when you have to keep an eye on the Patek…
In 2013, Yasmina Hayek picked up a bronze medal at the Lebanese swimming championships. Not the usual accomplishment from a renowned chef who spends time in a Monaco kitchen with her beloved mortar and…
Eat Your Organic Greens!The village vibe of Monaco typically means that you can’t go from the Yacht Club to the Hermitage without bumping into someone you know. And as much as being seen…
All’s Fair In Art
Opera Gallery stands out on the international art market scene with a rich and diverse selection of works in Modern and Contemporary Art.Opera Gallery is set to participate in numerousart fairs in 2023…